Welcome to www.birdcallers.com
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On line sales now available
Moruya Market NSW
Next events... Saturday 8th April 2023Pambula Market NSW
Sunday 9th April(Last updated Friday 7th April 2023)
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Port Fairy Folk Festival
Port Fairy Vic March 2023Instructions for the bird callers
("Winner of the best stall on the Cadbury show bags lawn for the 20014 Hobart Show in October, three years running and fifth award!!!!!")
Hi I am Sol & I sell six different types of Hand Made bird callers An Alien Caller and The Wackey Whistle.
These are basically whistles that that can immitate the sounds of various different birds.......
- * Bird Callers
- * Owl Callers
- * Duck Callers
- * Chicken Callers
- * Rainforest Callers
- * Wackey Whistles (Recomended ages 8 and over)
- * Kookaburra Callers
- * Alien Callers
The whistles are AUD$4.00 each. except the Kookaburra and Alien Callers for AUD $5
Wackey Whistles are AUD $5 or 5 for AUD $20
You can purchase 3 different Callers/whistles for AUD$10.00,
Set of 6 bird callers for $19 ,
Set of 6 bird callers $19 + Wackey $5 + Alien Caller $5 for $25
Please include postage and handling - AUD$9.50 for delivery with tracking no. within Australia, AUD$22.00 for international purchases from North America. And $23 for the rest of the world
Please email me your order to birdcallers@hotmail.com
I will email you back you a Squaure invoice
Don't forget to include your name and address of where to send the items..
Where you can find me selling the birdcallers next.......Contact us
How to use the bird callers
Book .. Jets Day by our Valerie Lang